10 TIPS to secure your home before leaving for Summer Holidays

 In Handys Blog

Planning a summer getaway? Ensure your home is safe and secure with these important tips:

  1. Lock All Doors and Windows: Double-check every entry point, including garage and basement doors.
  2. Set Up Timed Lights: Use timers to turn lights on and off to give the impression that someone is home.
  3. Install a Security System: A comprehensive security system with cameras, alarms, and motion sensors is a strong deterrent against intruders.
  4. Pause Mail and Deliveries: A pile of mail is a clear sign that no one’s home. Pause your mail delivery or ask a neighbor to collect it.
  5. Inform Trusted Neighbors: Let a trusted neighbor know about your travel plans so they can keep an eye on your property.
  6. Secure Valuables: Store valuables in a safe or a secure place. Consider renting a safety deposit box for highly valuable items.
  7. Unplug Electronics: Prevent electrical fires and save energy by unplugging non-essential electronics.
  8. Hide Spare Keys: Remove any spare keys hidden outside your home. Instead, leave one with a trusted friend or neighbor.
  9. Keep Landscaping Trimmed: Overgrown bushes can provide cover for burglars. Keep your yard tidy and well-maintained.
  10. Check Smoke Alarms: Ensure all smoke detectors are functioning properly for fire safety.

By following these tips, you can relax and enjoy your vacation with peace of mind.

Learn more about our services and secure your home!