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Have you made your New Year Resolution for a Safer 2014?
We’ve rung in the New Year, and January’s usually the month where we manifest our resolutions for the New Year and plan for improvements.
As the month comes to a close, improved safety in your home or business is another area to consider as you flesh out your plans.
Below are our tips to improve your safety and the overall well-being of your family.
1. Get to know your neighbours!
It may be years since you moved into your new home, met some of your neighours in passing, but never really said more than a passing ‘hello’.
We all live busy lives and say we’ll leave the obvious to later, so make it a point this year to get to know your neighbours!
An established relationship with your neighbours can be mutually beneficial. If you’re away for a period of time, it’s always of help to have a neighbour collect your mail and keep an eye on your vacant home. Remember: A letterbox full of mail is what burglars look out for!
Having this go-to person also helps you stay in the loop with neighbourhood news and events. Look for opportunities to say ‘hello’ and offer assistance. Be the helpful neighbour that you wish your neighbours to be.
2. Join your Neighbourhood Watch Programme
It’s great to see neighbourhoold watch programmes spring to life across neighbourhoods in Cyprus. If your neighbourhood already has a neighbourhood watch programme in place, join it! These programmes are great at bringing each neighbourhood community together and of course act as a necessary layer of security. Your involvement will communicate a level of respect among your neighbours and you’ll be showing that you care about the well being of both your family and your community.
3. Emergency Safety Kit – is this really necessary?
Simply put, Yes! Start 2014 with an organised and easily accessible compilation of resources should there be an emergency in your home. Make sure your home emergency safety kit includes the following items:
- Flashlight
- Supply of batteries
- Bottled water
- Nonperishable food.
4. Take a second look at your Home Security!
While common resolutions include exercising, eating healthier and attitude adjustments, improved safety is another area to consider!
Step up your Home Security. Assess your home to see if it is vulnerable and at risk. If you find that security is lacking in your home, do not delay the process. Burglars never have an off-season – so neither should your security!
We at Handy’s Security Systems pride ourselves in fully assessing your home, identifying possible weaknesses, and working with you to find the best solution based on your property and lifestyle.
Encourage care for yourself and your family as your Resolution for 2014!
For further information on Handy’s Security Systems products and services, call 77 77 87 87 or visit www.handysecurity.com