Spring is in the Air
Spring is in the Air! Here’s how you can protect your home from burglars with a few simple steps this Spring.
Spring is in the air all across Cyprus! That means most of us will be outdoors in just a few weeks. Spring is the time of year most of us get outside after being locked up in the house during the cold winter. It’s also the time of year we work on landscaping projects meant to enhance the look and value of our homes. As a home security provider concerned with your safety, here are some of our Tips for practicing safe landscaping.
What do we mean by “safe landscaping?” We mean adopting landscaping strategies that will reduce the risk of burglary, home invasion, and accidental injuries. Bear in mind that your landscaping choices play a big role in the overall safety of your property. When you practice safe landscaping, you and your family are much better off. You obviously want to place your landscaping elements in a way that makes your home as attractive as possible. By all means do so. But also keep in mind that placement choices and the way you trim your plants and shrubs can also affect home security.
Consider thorny trees on the perimeter of your property. And Roses! – The rose is one of the most loved thorny bushes in Cyprus. There are plenty of varieties that offer stunning colours. When grown thick enough, a rose bush can be nearly impenetrable. The key to using shrubs and bushes to enhance security is to plant them in front of first-floor windows, close enough that a burglar cannot stand between the foliage and the house. However, keep them trimmed low enough so that the windows can still be clearly seen from the street.
Not every burglar or home invader will enter a property from the street. Some will come in from the perimeter, using the yards of neighbours on any side. To deter such entry, there are a number of thorny trees you can plant. As for your regular trimming, it’s important to make sure that a clear view of your home from the street is not obstructed by your landscaping. Burglars prefer to enter homes using a first-floor window or door. When landscaping allows for a full street view of your home, burglars have less to hide behind.
If you’re planning to plant new trees this year, consider their placement in relation to their potential growth. In other words, if you’re planting a tree that could grow taller than the second floor of your home, don’t plant the tree close enough to the home that it eventually allows easy access to a second-floor window.
Lastly, make sure to take good care of whatever landscaping elements you decide to install this spring. A well-kept garden is a signal to potential burglars that you are diligent about caring for your property. This will make them think twice before entering your home. Conversely, an unkempt yard is an open invitation to burglars because it suggests to them that you’re careless or possibly away from home.
Handy’s Security Systems reminds you that safety and security doesn’t happen by itself. It requires homeowners to take specific actions to that end. Our Residential Solutions start from only €473 inclusive of installation and VAT. With our state-of-the-art equipment from leading global manufacturer, Jablotron, we can help protect you against loss from burglary and fire.
Call us today and we’ll be happy to schedule you a FREE SURVEY for you.
The Start-Up Package includes:
- 1 Wireless PIR detectors
- 1 Wireless door contact
- 1 Wireless Keypad
- 1 Remote Control
- 1 Wireless Internal Sounder
- 1 Jablotron External Dummy Siren
Contact us to learn more about the Jablotron Start-Up Pack and for a FREE SURVEY on 77 77 87 87.